b'BROUGHT TO YOU BY STREAT AND THE NEWSBOYS FOUNDATIONTASTES GOOD, DOES GOODWE PROVIDE WRAP AROUND SUPPORT FOR DISENGAGED YOUNG PEOPLE THROUGH SUPPORTED JOB PATHWAYS, WORK EXPERIENCE AND LIFE-SKILLSS TREATexiststomakeaHEALTHY SELFWe provide difference to young peoplewrap-around support including who face a range of barri- individualcasemanagement, ersanddisadvantage.Weaimlinkages to other specialist ser-toprovideasenseofconnec- vice providers as needed (drug tion, safety and belonging to ourandalcohol,mentalhealth, young people. housingservices),grouplife We provide wrap around sup- skills programs, and creative and port to our young people throughsocial activities.supportedjobpathways,work experience (including the RMITHEALTHY JOBWe provide cafe) and life-skills. a range of hospitality programs We want our young people toincludingaccreditedcertificate thrive in all parts of their lives.courses,workexperiencepro-We want them to feel a sense ofgrams,shortcourses.Wealso belonging at STREAT, and knowprovide workplace training and deeplythatwereheretohelpmentoring for each young per-them achieve a healthy job and ason across STREATs inner Mel-healthy home. bournecafesandproduction To date STREAT has supportedkitchen.Asasocialenterprise, over 900 young people aged 16- STREATreinvests100%ofits 24, providing over 66,000 hoursprofits back into supporting and of support whilst serving over 2training youth.million customers.HEALTHY HOMEWe work towards our young people hav-ing a safe and long-term place to live through partnerships with a wide range of Melbourne hous-ing services.WWW.STREAT.COM.AU/ Graduate Class MC18@STREATMELBOURNE'