b'CHIEF EXECUTIVE OFFICERS REPORTNewsboys 125th anniversary year included a series of highlights that culminated with an event at Government House.Her Excellency the Honourable Linda Dessau AC, Governor of Victoria, very generously hosted a morning tea for about 130 members of the Newsboys community in February. In her address, the Governor looked back over 125 years ofNewsboys Foundations support has had on Western Newsboys history and noted that while the organisation hasChances as we continue to grow stronger with long-term completely changed it has also remained completely thesupport.same. She said Newsboys Foundation clearly recognisedAnother key relationship is with Social Venture Partners. that, from generation to generation, some young people willWe have been working with SVP since 2015 and have always need support.successfully partnered to provide capacity building to Kids While the context in which Newsboys Foundation operatesLike Us and the I CAN Network.has changed profoundly our broader vision has not, sheWhile our 125th anniversary honoured the past, it inspired Y N N E P E N O E C I R P } OS. E W G T A P { said. The Governor generously concluded: For every youngus to look forward and continue building new relationships life that you (Newsboys) help to enrich, you help enrich our. 5 9 8 1 , 7 E N U J , G N I N E V E Y A D I R F , E N R U O B L E M with organisations such as Ocean Mind (see page 12). whole community. Newsboys is determined to work towards our vision for As an organisation, Newsboys is privileged to have beenanother 125 years, because every young person deserves toNO. 5589.around for such a long time. Our 125th anniversary yearhave the opportunity to reach their full potential.provided an opportunity to take pride in our history ofSandy Shaw MELBOURNEfirst of these was in a shed opposite thehelping young people and examine how we can continue 6 September 2019 NEWSBOYS established Heraldoys Try Excelsi- to help.citys police station,B where the newly CLASSOFTHEIROWN or Class could meet one night a week. A The class was very successful with high ness and evil sur is born in wretched- attendancenumbers demanding larger THE CHILD thatfacilities. Newsboys support is provided through ourThank youbecome aroundings is very apt tocityBy 1888 public sentiment towardsNO. 5589. MELBOURNE, FRIDAY EVENING, JUNE 7, 1895. PRICE ONE PENNY MARVELOUSthe soaring property values, their wealth the civ Frankenstein, deadly hostile toasyouths had started to shift, leadingwas safe. It wasnt long, however, before L This line, written for The Herald ing to greater support for organisations suchenterprise dedicate ased socialSTORIES FROM r TO MISERABLE this bubble burst and Marvellous Mel-Melb ilisation which has created him.Forsters and enabling the construc- Were a hospitality-b bourne totion of the Gordon Institute in Bowen 1888, illustrates a self-aware shift in howStreet. With its grand facilities, includ- MELBOURNEINTHELATE1800s nationalok a turn for the miserable. theirournians viewed the youths oning a hall, classrooms, swimming pool,relationships with otherTHE 1880s in Melbourne was a time oftheStrikes, shortages and a drop in inter-had b streets. Previously these childrenymnasium and kitchens, Forster desig- d to helpinggreat prosperity and growth. The goldnomicinvestment, resulted in an eco-een seen as something to be feared,nated this the new meeting place of theyoung people who nee ush of the 1850s had brought signif- Melb bust in 1891, quickly followed by with public sentiment demanding policeb f then Newsboys Try Excelsior Class. Itd a hand.SWANSTON ST. icant wealth to Melbournep along withwasAustralian banking crisis of 1893. In take them out of sight for being larrikins.was open to the newsboys every eveningorganisations. Thosehuge numbers of European immigrantsGreatourne, the depression of the 1890s I am fortunate to be helped in my work by some arrikinisma disparaging term at theof the week, but the Institutes distancelonger and more severe than the timesaw children congregate on streettutedropping. The Gordon Insti- allowing for agricultural and manufac- thisDepression of the 1930s. The peo-corners, gamble, swear and cavort withrom the citys main thoroughfares led toorganisations includeturing industries to flourish. Betweenple of Melbourne suffered greatly during exceptional people. With special thanks to:the criminal underbelly. Fortunately, aattendancea hall in Baptist Lane forBELONGWe want a young person to always feel athome at STREAT. 1881 and 1891 Melbournesopulationjobs,financial collapse; workers lost their few voices arose who identified these streettheoperatedin 1890, but it could notHEALTHY SELFWe provide wrap-around support including individual casenearly doubled, growing from 282,947mor families went into debt to pay off STREAT, which opened youths as symptomatic of a failing society.exp newsboysournemanagement, linkages to other specialist service providers as needed (drug andto 489,185. Prompted by the land boomso tgages and many houses were inev-In1883ifphilanthropistWilliame sustained through 1891 as Melb overb and international investments in prop- itably rep high rates of homelessness and Mark Forster recognised that childrentheerienced its economic bust.alcohol, mental health, housing services), group life skills programs, and creativeerty, the city sprawled outwards, con- cieties.ossessed by banks and building the Bowen St Caf atNewsboys Foundation Board of Directors:are sponges in want of amusement. HeintoThrough this period of economic de- and social activities. nected by new tram and rail systems, totenTheseuponmeant children were of-proposed thatamusement were to bepression, Forster resumed controlthemecome one of the largest and richest inunemploymentto financially provide for found in an enriching environment,Newsboys Class and formedHEALTHY JOBWe provide a range hospitality programs including accreditedrelied children would be as susceptible to posi- their own independent society. Acertificate courses, work experience programs, and short courses. We also providethe world. English journalist George Au- their families. The Factories and Shops RMIT to help youngZich Zichy-Woinarski QC, Chairmantive influences as they were to the amoralstoreroom off Little Collins Street wasworkplace training and mentoring for each young person across STREATs innergustus Sala of the Daily Telegraph coinedAct of 1885 tightened regulations re-ones of the street. Thus, the Try SocietyrenovatedintothefirstNewsboysMelbourne cafes and production kitchen. As a social enterprise, STREAT reinveststhe phrase Marvellous Melbourne on astricting children from working on fac-people who need aPenny Campbell, Vice Chairmanwas formed. Societynamed as a re- Hall and opened in 1893, at which100% of its profits back into supporting and training youth. visit to the city in 1885a label proudlytory floors, forcing them to instead make b The Trywhen facing challenges itspoint the City Newsboys Society hadembraced by Victorians.a living on the streets. Children selling minder thattry to better them- wellandtrulybeenestablished. HEALTHY HOMEWe work towards our young people having a safeThis period of prosperity was charac- matches, flowers, newspapers or even hand. The caf, which isMichelle Collins, Treasurer and Chairman of the Audit oys must simplyof a series of club- This hall was place they could spendand long-term place to live through partnerships with a wide range of Melbourneterised by the construction of lavish of- searching for bottles they could return for b selvesconsistedtowhere boys couldtheirtimeawayfromthestreetshousing services. fices and large public worksmany stilly houses in the suburbsthroughout the day, not just in thewith us today. Perhaps the most iconicpennies became a common and necessaralready breaking even,Committeego in the eveningsplay games, readevenings; the newsboysfinallyhadof which was the Melbourne Exhibi- element of Melbournes new streetscape. ooks and attend classes. Forster soughttheir own city home.had beention building (later the Royal ExhibitionOf these child street traders, the now to establish a premises specifically forThe Melbourne newsboyenrichingSince 2010, weve worked with over 1500 youngbuilding) in Carlton Gardens, built foriconic newsboy received the most atten-is in a location whereJohn Warner, Chairman of the Investment CommitteeMelbournes newsboys, who spent theiraffordedengagingandhopeandthe 1880 Melbourne International Exhi- tion from the press and public. Their vo-evenings working on the city streets. Thesurroundingsbornofpeople, and have provided them with overbition which presented the wealthy citycal and visible presence left them vulner-support from the civilisation which had(03) 9629 4222/75,000 hours of support and training.MARVELOUS NEWSBOYSto the world. ournes opulence was notable to hostility from those who had lost their jobs in the depression and resented Melbournes newsboysDavid Coombes, Director and pro-bono legal supportcreated him. info@streat.com.au / www.STREAT.com.au /@STREATMelbourne -A CLASS OF THEIR OWN But Melb b of theuption was rifethe boys ability to work. The work itself without tarnishcorr had its hazards toodarting into, out TO YOU BY STREAT AND THE NEWSBOYSamongst politicians and land boomersmany newsboys being struck down. And BROUGHT(entrepreneurs)eingday, leading toof, onto and off of the street traffic led to once gathered and hasKeith Gillett, Director (retired 22/11/18)many a fortunebased on specula- yet they persisted so their mothers and tion and b siblings a newsboys theme.Jeff Olsen, DirectorFOUNDATION As longolstered by foreign bank loans.wouldnt go hungryat least, as investors had confidence innot as often.Ann Robinson, DirectorSTREAT worked with RMIT Universitys student- Deryk Stephens, DirectorHEREled Bowen St Press to produce promotional materials OPEN to celebrate the rich history of Melbournes newsboys.Newsboys Foundation Team:Examples of the students work can be seen on the insideLata Phoenix, part-time Executive Assistantcovers of this annual report as well as above.Jennifer Edwards, Accountant, Accountive Seamus Bradley, Communications and MediaOne of the many advantages of having existed for so longPhilip Campbell, Philip Campbell Designis the ability to build long-term relationships. NewsboysTiffany Lucas, TEL Consultantshas worked with Western Chances since 2009 (see storyNick Place, Noisy Boy Mediapage 13). In that time we have directly supported 271Meredith OShea, Photographerscholarships to help young people stay engaged withMiguel Rios, Videographereducation and build better lives. Ian Warner, Stockbroker, E.L. & C. Baillieu LimitedIn 2018, Western Chances scholarship recipients excelledSimon Trivett, Hai Hoang, Grant Thorntonwith 99% of them successfully completing the schoolGina Fiske, Newsboys Foundation Volunteeryear and engaging with further education, training orI salute all the young people of Victoria who take up each employment. As Rhyll Dorrington, CEO at Western Chancesopportunity to make their lives better and thank all those said: I can never overstate the significant impact thewho support our young people to thrive. NEWSBOYS FOUNDATION ANNUAL REPORT 20193'