b'NEWSBOYS FOUNDATIONVision Grant-making prioritiesThat all Victorian young people have the opportunity toThe Newsboys Foundation provides grants to community reach their full potential. organisations working with disadvantaged young people aged 11-21 in Victoria. In particular, it supports initiatives Mission that meet the diverse education needs of these young people.To fund community organisations to provide programs andThe Newsboys Foundation encourages grass-roots activities for young people experiencing disadvantage inorganisations to apply.Victoria. We will do this by:Maintaining a strong financial strategyA variety of strategies will be considered for support, including programs involving the arts, outdoor education, Building a best-practice model of a philanthropicsport and social enterprises.foundation Priority is given to initiatives that help disengaged young Ensuring rigorous assessment of grants people re-engage with education, with an emphasis on one Honouring our Newsboys Club heritage by payingor more of the following:particular attention to ages 11-21 years Successful transition from primary to secondary schoolMaintaining high awareness of emerging communityCompletion of secondary schoolneeds Successful transition from secondary education Being expert at working with other organisations into further education, a trade, training or suitable Building organisational capacity employmentThe Newsboys Foundation focuses on supporting:Young people from low socio-economic circumstancesYoung people in rural and regional VictoriaYoung Indigenous peopleYoung refugees and asylum seekersYoung people with disabilitiesHow you can helpSince 1893, the Newsboys Foundation has been workingAlternatively, you can send a cheque or money order to: to make a difference in the lives of young people. We needNewsboys Foundation Trust your help to continue to fulfil this mission. Suite 206, 153-161 Park Street Please donate to the Newsboys Foundation Trust to helpSouth Melbourne, VIC 3205. support young people in Victoria who are experiencingIf you would like to discuss making a bequest to the disadvantage.Newsboys Foundation Trust, please email Sandy Shaw, We are working hard to ensure all young Victorians haveCEO, at sandyshaw@newsboys.org.authe opportunity to reach their full potential. Each year, Newsboys Foundation supports community organisationsWith thanks to our 2020/21 donors:that are making a lasting impact on thousands of youngSeamus Bradleypeople in our community.Louise BellBy donating to the Newsboys Foundation Trust, you canDavid Fabinyi (in memory of Rollo Morgan)make a positive difference in the lives of many young people. Sandy Shaw (in memory of Rollo Morgan)All donations over $2 are tax deductible.Baillieu Myer ACDr IF and MA JoblingYou can donate online at newsboysfoundation.org.au/ Louisa Vass (in memory of Rollo Morgan)donationsW Brind (Zich) Zichy-Woinarski QC4NEWSBOYS FOUNDATION ANNUAL REPORT 2021'