b'MIRABEL FOUNDATIONYoung people taking part in Mirabels Intensive Support Program.Photo Meredith OSheaRecovery from trauma does not travel in a straight line.Because weve got a relationship with them, it makes it For 26 years, the Mirabel Foundation has been dedicatedso much easier for one of our team to identify this and to supporting children orphaned or abandoned bystart spending time with them. Youre not coming in cold. parental drug use. These young people, and their kinshipYouve got the familys history. Often, youve worked with carers (often a grieving grandmother), face a dauntinglythat young person for six or seven years, and then you see difficult road and when it threatens to become too muchthem develop really concerning behaviours.Mirabels Intensive Support Program, supported by theMirabels Intensive Support Program sits within the Newsboys Foundation, steps in.foundations wider support initiatives for children and On a surface level, Mirabels motto is that every childteenagers, almost as a triage-as-required program deserves a childhood and if you were to turn up at a lotoffering emotional and practical support when most of Mirabel events, such as a day out at Luna Park or aurgently needed. weekend camp, youd mostly find laughing, excited, Once disturbing behaviours are identified, the team may happy children.prioritise one-on-one support, or work towards guiding But not always. Even after years of recovery a youngthe young person back to school, engaging back into their person can become overwhelmed by their past and theircommunity or even a new hobby. present. Thats when Mirabels Intensive Support ProgramFor those really struggling, Mirabels team may support goes into action. them in finding a psychologist or even towards We are usually already working with a family, so youhospitalisation, if required.can see the young person is suddenly not going toWe do whatever we can to help them engage and to get school, Mirabel founder and CEO Jane Rowe explained.their hope back, Jane said. Suddenly, theyve started, maybe, self-harming. Theyve disconnected from their community. 10NEWSBOYS FOUNDATION ANNUAL REPORT 2024'