b'GRANTSMelbourne Theatre Company.Photo: Jacinta Keefe Photography Melbourne Youth Orchestras Summer School Residential Camp.MELBOURNE THEATRE COMPANYMIRABEL FOUNDATIONYouth Scholarship Course Intensive Support ProgramBrings together 25 participants who are experiencingMirabels Intensive Support Program empowers young disadvantage and are aged 14-16 for a week of immersivepeople who have been orphaned or abandoned as a result theatre-making at the MTC with teaching artists. At the endof parental drug use to overcome complex challenges, of the week, the students showcase their work through aincluding deteriorating mental health, undiagnosed performance to parents, guardians, teachers and industrydisabilities and low self-esteem. professionals. Online and follow-up activities with theExperienced youth workers work closely with 30 young participants are provided over 12 months. people and their carers to address the presenting issues and establish goals for the future. A range of support MELBOURNE YOUTH ORCHESTRASis also offered to cater for individual needs and create Financial Assistance Programopportunities to participate in the community.Provides a financial assistance program for students from families experiencing financial hardship and those travellingOCEAN MINDfrom regional and rural areas helping ensure that no youngSurf Therapy Programmusician is ever excluded from MYO programs due toCombines the benefits of surfing with mentoring activities disadvantage. to improve the mental health of young people.Summer School Residential CampStudents from across Victoria take part in the annual MYOOZCHILD Summer School at Southbank so they can connect withChance to Shine Scholarship Program peers from across the state. A residential camp is providedProvides educational scholarships to vulnerable and for young people from rural and regional Victoria to enabledisadvantaged young people who are currently supported them to attend the MYO Summer School. by OzChild to ensure they have the necessary resources and opportunities to reach their full potential.16NEWSBOYS FOUNDATION ANNUAL REPORT 2024'