b'KOROWA ANGLICAN GIRLS SCHOOLStudents from Korowa Anglican GirlsSchool perform the musical Newsies.Photo: Korowa Anglican Girls SchoolRaising funds for NewsboysThe ghost of newsboys past came briefly alive in MayIn fact, the enthusiasm was so strong that parents and 2024, when Korowa Anglican Girls School decided tostudents shook tins to raise money for the Newsboys choose Newsies as their annual musical for years 7-9.Foundation, before and after the theatrical news kids Produced by Tessa Hulsbosch and directed by Jesssang and danced their way across the Korowa stage. Carson, both Korowa teachers, the musical started lifeWe sincerely thank the entire Korowa Anglican Girls on Broadway. Written by Harvey Fierstein, the story wasSchool community for their donation and enthusiasm. inspired by a newsboys strike in New York City in 1899. Buying the rights to Newsies came with materialsNick Placeand images relating to the actual history of newsboys, as curriculum materials and context for the schools performers, which led the students to explore Melbourne newsboys history. The students really delved into the history of it, and the lives of news kids, as we called them, being a girls school, Jess Carson said. NEWSBOYS FOUNDATION ANNUAL REPORT 20245'