b'Often theres a tangible reason for the dip in the youngbecause theyve taken risks with us too. They get it. I feel persons ability to cope. A lost parent might have returnedlike its such a great collaboration because there is such a to their life, or other disturbances at home might be strong, trusting relationship.the issue.Having outlined the urgency and the seriousness of the Our youth team works with the young person, while weIntensive Support Program, Jane suddenly smiles and are also working with the carer so we can bring it all backsays that one of Mirabels team members was getting a together, Jane said. haircut recently when she mentioned to the hairdresser Its not being melodramatic to say intervention bythat she worked for a childrens charity. Is it Mirabel? Mirabels Intensive Support team can be lifesaving.asked the stylist. I used to be a Mirabel kid.Without Newsboys funding, we would not have theAfter a quarter of a century, there are thousands of young resources to be spending individual time with these kids,Victorians who are only living their best possible life now Jane said.because of the intervention, care and skill of the Mirabel Foundation when they desperately needed it. Newsboys Our team are really skilled to do this well, and differentinvestment in the Intensive Support Program continues to teams are experienced in different parts of the support,be essential.from running a camp and engagement to the really Nick Placepointy end. Newsboys has been supporting us since the start and they have had such a massive impact on our work, NEWSBOYS FOUNDATION ANNUAL REPORT 202411'