b'OCEAN MINDhas been the multi-layered support of the Newsboysincluding young people, are not able to get the support Foundation, who she said offered instant support, saying,they need because all the different organisations are at Weve got your back, what do you need? Its allowedcapacity and have waiting lists. Its just the situation we us to concentrate on what we do well. Instead of lookingfind ourselves in at the moment.for funds and scouring around for funds, as our usual fund-raising opportunities and corporate donations wereFor kids, this pandemic world has been a place of fear; of no longer available, weve been able to concentrate onpotentially catching the virus, or of being bullied by other activities and programs, make sure we give support to kidskids through wrongful accusations of having or spreading right away where we can, and also look at all the differentthe virus. When children are fearful, they start lashing plans to grow. out at each other and doing harmful things to each other, Rachael said. I think its the environment were in, the Newsboys helped create new funding partnerships forwhole community. Kids arent seeing their friends or Ocean Mind, including financial support from the Maitrihaving the opportunity to play; sometimes theyre allowed Foundation, but Newsboys also matched Rachaelsoutside and other times theyre not. That lack of surety management team to Social Venture Partners, an entityabout the world and whats happening leads to an increase that provides assistance and guidance for reviewing ain mental health challenges and just not feeling OK about charitys governance protocols, structures and futurethe world.needs for sustained and viable growth. For Ocean Minds team, the pandemic interruption has Going through this Covid period has been a lot easier foroffered a chance to catch their collective breath and start us with the financial support and business support thatplanning the future, with the support of Social Venture the Newsboys Foundation has been providing us, RachaelPartners. Its almost been refreshing to slow down a little said. Weve been able to almost glide into our Covid era. bit and not need to rush into the expansion piece before we can support whats happening here in our local area, What Ocean Mind hasnt been able to do is get groups ofRachael reflected. Especially with the waiting lists being vulnerable youths to local beaches for programs. Now,where they are, we can be more strategic, and make sure deep into 2020, Rachael has had to reconcile herselfwhen we expand, we do it rightand do the right thing for to the fact that Ocean Minds waiting lists for kids whoour community here.need support has grown to more than 80 youths, while all she and her team can offer are some one-on-one surfNick Placesessions where funding is available, or regular online groups for existing surf club members. While our kids werent at school some of them wanted to be online and see all their friends, but others had had too much Zoom, too much screen time, and didnt want to be on a call, Rachael said. Shes not surprised that more names are constantly arriving on the waiting list. Its really hard to see all those names, see the referrals coming through and reading all the stories of those children that are needing support and knowing that right now we cant give it, but actually nobody can give support at the moment, she said. Other mental health support bodies are also struggling and have long waiting lists. Its heart-breaking to know so many people, NEWSBOYS FOUNDATION ANNUAL REPORT 202011'