b'STREAT AND MOVING FEASTBec Scott(Photo: Meredith OShea)In that first unforgettable week of the pandemic, whenThe thing is, we had already done the thinking, Bec we were all sent to work from our homes, and told neverexplained. I guess when the pandemic hit, STREAT had to shake hands again, and to learn the words sociallyalready decided as an organisation that we were very isolate, and to recognise that our world might never bemuch moving into urban agriculture and urban farming, the same again, it was reasonable to curl up into a ball. so we had already startedwe had two horticulturists at STREAT and were already developing our first training But not if youre STREATs Bec Scott. She barely blinked.pathway for young people into horticulture. We had also Bec sat down and wrote a lightning-fast discussion paper,done STREATs 2040 strategy which had two key features; outlining her Big Plan, and, before the week was out, hadwe were equally about planet as much as we were started ringing other social-enterprise entrepreneurs,about people: people and planet. Also, that there were outlining a vision for something that would quickly becomeopportunities to create what I call green-collar jobs. So, all Moving Feast. the green jobs of the future that would be highly relevant for our young people that we can create across the city.Farmers, cafes, kitchens, delivery servicesall united by social enterprise and delivering meals or food boxes forBec is the sort of person who goes for a holiday and takes those who most need themmust have felt their causedozens of academic reports and studies about Future was lost, as the state faced months of lockdown. Instead,City and Future State by the short-lived Victorian Eco-here was Bec, asking if they wanted to be part of building aInnovation Laboratory, a group of visionary academics at more fair and regenerative food system for Melbourne andMelbourne Uni. Their work included re-imagining how our Victoria, using the pandemic as the lightning rod to raisecities could work and deep thinking about what Victorias to scale? Starting immediately. future potential food systems might look like, and Bec 6NEWSBOYS FOUNDATION ANNUAL REPORT 2020'