b'NEWSBOYS FOUNDATION BOARD OF DIRECTORSZich Zichy-Woinarski QCLeft to right, back row: Michelle Collins, Deryk Stephens, David Coombes, Ann Robinson, John WarnerChairman Left to right, front row: Sandy Shaw, Zich Zichy-Woinarski QC,Penny CampbellW. Brind Zichy-Woinarski QC (known as Zich) joined theInset: Rollo Morgan (above) Jeffrey Olsen (below)Newsboys Foundation board in December 1991.He has been chairman of the Newsboys board sincePenny Campbell December 2009 and has also served on the FoundationsVice ChairmanAudit Committee. He has been a director of the Newsboys Foundation Trust since May 2013. Penny Campbell has been on the board of the Newsboys Foundation since December 2007 and has been a director Zich, a barrister, was admitted to practice in April 1970 andof the Newsboys Foundation Trust since May 2013. She has was appointed Queens Counsel in 1987. He brings a wealthbeen Vice Chair since June 2014.of legal experience to his role with the Foundation.Penny brings more than 30 years experience as an educator Zichs legal work includes a murder case that determinedto the board. Her understanding of young people, their the border of Victoria and New South Wales and work asneeds and how to best nurture their growth is an invaluable junior counsel for Lindy and Michael Chamberlain in theasset to the Foundation. Morling Inquiry into their convictions.Penny has worked in both government and private schools Zich has been a member of the Victorian Bar Council,and her philosophy has been guided by the Reggio Emilia Junior Vice President and a member of the executive, heapproach to education. The approach values the individual was Chairman of the Ethics Committee for six years, waschild as strong, capable, resilient and rich in wonder and a founding member and secretary of the Criminal Barcuriosity.Association and later its chairman and is an honorary life member of the Criminal Bar Association. Zich was appointedPenny has helped other charitable organisations, including to the board of the Australian Ballet School in May 2017. as a volunteer with Very Special Kids, working with children who have life threatening conditions and providing support Zich was introduced to the work of the Newsboysto the childrens family members.Foundation after he became a member of the Board of Management of Try Youth and Community Services in 1972, a position he held until 2008.20NEWSBOYS FOUNDATION ANNUAL REPORT 2020'