b'NEWSBOYS FOUNDATION TRUST FINANCIAL REPORTNewsboys Foundation Trust Newsboys Foundation Trust Statement of Comprehensive Income The Newsboys Foundation Trust has been established to enableFor the year ended 30 June 2020people to make tax deductible donations to help us expand our work. The Melbourne Newsboys Club Ltd is the Trustee Company20202019for the Newsboys Foundation Trust. $$ Melbourne Newsboys Club Ltd (A Company Limited byDonations2,710 3,800Guarantee) ACN 163 764 814 Dividend and distributionAs Trustee for the Newsboys Foundation Trust revenue10,38915,737Interest revenue4541,362Melbourne Newsboys Club Ltd Directors Commission rebate109-W. Brind Zichy-Woinarski QC, LLB (Hons)Chairman Total revenue13,66220,899Michelle Collins B Arts, B Com, CATreasurerPenny J Campbell DipEd Allocations to communityDavid C Coombes LLB, M Tax, CTA youth organisations(12,000)(10,750)Deryk Stephens B Com, FCPAOperating expenses(227)(223)Gain/(Loss) on investmentsMelbourne Newsboys Club Ltd Company Secretary as financial asset measured atSandra J Shaw BSW MBA fair value through profit or loss(18,945)20,137Profit/(loss) for the year(17,510)30,063Note, Director and Company Secretary biographies are on pages 20 to 23 of the Annual Report. Other comprehensive income for the year Total comprehensive income/(loss) for the year(17,510)30,063The financial statements with accompanying notes are available to members at their request.Newsboys Foundation TrustStatement of Financial Position as at 30 June 2020 20202019$$Current assets Cash on deposit24,88371,573Other receivables25,3726,050Total current assets50,25577,623Non current assets Other financial assets224,911215,053Total non current assets224,911215,053Total assets275,166292,676Net assets275,166292,676 Equity Retained earnings275,166292,676Total equity275,166292,676The financial statements with accompanying notes are available to members at their request.26NEWSBOYS FOUNDATION ANNUAL REPORT 2020'