b'STREAT AND MOVING FEASTwould return from a day outto giant sheets of butchersthat cant include orchards on rooftops, veggie plots along paper where she would sketch those food system futuresthe Yarra or other ways of turning the space into a place of and consider where STREAT might play a role. mutual living, working and growing.That first week of the pandemic, I put all of that thinkingWhat are the opportunities to regenerate the city, using down in a paper and it was a really simple paper thatfood, growing and connectiveness to food system that just said why we need food social enterprises duringneeds to happen anyway? What would it look like to build the pandemic, stepped out the logic of why we had to dothe Birrarung Food Bowl 2.0creating enormous edible what we had to do, and then speed dialled a lot of socialgardens across the city, large scale community gardening enterprise peers who were also in the food system andinfrastructure across the city? Imagine if every person said: do you want to have a crack at building this thing,in this city who wants access to their own plot of land to and every single one who I rang said yes, were about togrow food could have that? Imagine if every young person close our doors anyway, she said. who needed a job could end up in a prized role of urban farming? I think we could honestly use the food system to Bec then rang philanthropic supporters, including long- create both human and planetary health, to transformtime supporter the Newsboys Foundation, asking ifthe city.existing funding could be diverted into the new project, titled Moving Feast, or chasing new funding. TheWhile Becs thinking sounds audacious, there are Newsboys Foundation was among the first to offer precedents happening across the globe. The American that support. city of Detroits rebirth has included urban farming as a key component. Paris currently boasts the worlds largest I distributed the funds among everyone very rapidly to tryurban farm. Singapore is going big. and keep as many doors open and start to work on this system together, she said. Six months later, weve keptBec can quote studies examining the theory behind the doors open, done a lot of work together, created a lotdisruptive innovation and outlining how major social of meals for young people and their families, and producechange can happen, whether youre considering the food boxes, but really, were equally excited and focusedBlack Lives Matter movement or recreating the way we on what is the long term fair and regenerative food systemsource our food. Change can come from the overarching work that could be donenot just the food aid stuff wegovernment level, from a corporate, entrepreneurial level, have been doing. or from a grassroots level, when a lot of small agents begin moving in the same direction, forcing everything Moving Feasts immediate success has been to grow, cookabove and around them to alter. Thats how STREAT sees and deliver meals for the states most vulnerable people,the current pandemic reality: a rare moment to create that along with creating food boxes, jobs and training. Morekind of dramatic shift.than 120,000 meals and 20,000 produce boxes have been delivered, more than 60,000 seeds planted and harvested.It feels like we have this tiny window of opportunity for the Collaborative ways of feeding a city where all the systemsplanet, to bring a transformational scale of change, Bec are suddenly unsure provides optimism in the midst of anexplained. It makes sense to use the opportunities from otherwise bleak year. the disruption weve got. Were in really interesting times and I wouldnt want to be in any other place, in any other But Bec is only just getting started. The grand, long-termpart of the world, in any other time frame, at any other future vision for Moving Feast sees the states socialstage of life, doing anything other than this.enterprises continue to work together to create a more regenerative and fair food system for Victoria.Bec talksNick Placeabout the recreation of the geographic regions Indigenous food bowl capacity, where the concrete metropolis of Melbourne currently sits. The city could look very different in five years, she says, and theres no reason NEWSBOYS FOUNDATION ANNUAL REPORT 20207'