b'Feedback comments from graduates ofParkville STREAT caf training:I became more confident in the weeks I spent here. I am capable.I learned I am confident if I am around good people who lift me up and are encouraging.I never thought Id be able to serve people, to talk to them the way I do, and serve coffee. I learned a lot of things here.Do it, it can change your life.removed between them and a future where they can rebuild their life, Rebecca said. We are looking to provide a smoother transition to our community programs.The mistake would be to think that STREATs six-week on-site training program for all aspects of working in a caf is only designed to give ex-prisoners a chance at hospitality work. Rebecca said the skills being taught have a much wider potential. Were teaching a wide range of transferrable work-readiness skills such as teamwork, presentation, how to organise yourself to be reliable, customer service and for the young people to think they are worthy. They say to us, I feel like Im a normal person STREAT when Im at work. The importance of that, to not feel A recent major study by Swinburne University identifiedinstitutionalised, is invaluable for their self-worth.STREATs secret sauce: its that STREAT provides real- The Youth Justice authorities assess who is suitable to world locations for marginalised and disadvantaged youngparticipate in the program based on interest, timing and people to find their place, not institutionalised spaces. Thesafety in terms of good behaviour. The program is highly young people being helped by STREAT speak of respect,valued by the young people and therefore a reward for belonging and connection enabling them to learn andthem as well as giving critical exposure to what life could grow. They appreciate a second chance in a space wherebe like, once released. they are not labelled, sentenced or judged, but instead are given opportunities as well as feedback and clearIn the next decade, STREAT really wants to expand boundaries about what is acceptable behaviour in thepathways beyond hospitality, Rebecca said. workplace. The expectations at STREAT are pretty high, and the trainees rise to it. We currently offer training in hospitality and horticulture, but as the world faces catastrophic climate change, we Many of the kids STREAT has worked with have hadare very much moving into green jobs, creating workforces contact with the justice system Rebecca said. The earlierinto these areas that we have a high need from a planetary we can divert them on that pathway, the more chanceperspective.they have of staying out of prison. The statistics are stark. Something like 60 per cent of young people in remandWere helping people and planet at the same time.will end up back inside within two years, and 80 per centWe need to rapidly de-carbon the world and green jobs of sentenced young people, so it becomes a revolvingcan become a pathway out of prison, Rebecca said. We door. Sadly, you dont just get stuck in youth prisons, youwant young people to gain skills and confidence and graduate to adult prisons revolving door, and often beingthen walk out the door of the prison, not come back, but inside provides a pathway to training towards more crime. instead jump into supported green job pathways with an This Parkville STREAT caf is about young people comingopportunity to help save the world while theyre at it.to the end of their sentence having a bunch of barriersNick PlaceNEWSBOYS FOUNDATION ANNUAL REPORT 20229'