b'CHIEF EXECUTIVE OFFICERS REPORT Newsboys provides long-term support to organisations that help young Victorians across the State make lasting change in their lives, especially those who are marginalised or are experiencing disadvantage.We work in partnershipproviding funds and connectionsin the knowledge that we achieve much greater impact and more lasting change together than when acting alone.the work of Newsboys is based. We will miss his brilliance, common sense and humour.Each organisation we supported over the past year (seeMeanwhile, we welcome Rupert Sherwood to the board. pages 13 to 17) has shown remarkable resilience, flexibilityRupert is already making a positive contribution and we and commitment in supporting young people as theylook forward to working with him well into the future.navigated the significant challenges of COVID. The pandemic affected almost every aspect of youngIt is with great sadness that I acknowledge the passing of peoples liveseducation, mental health, jobs,Baillieu Myer AC on 22 January 2022. Bails was a great relationships and social connectionsand required newAustralian and a visionary philanthropist. He generously ways of working from support organisations. donated to the Newsboys Foundation Trust and eachyear he sent a congratulatory note after he read our While Newsboys has been supporting young Victorians forAnnual Report.129 years, the stories in this reportfeaturing Boys to theAgain, we salute young people and all those who support Bush (page 6), STREAT (page 8) and Westjustice (page 10)them. illustrate some of those new and effective approaches to working with young people in out-of-home care, inSandy Shaw detention and those struggling to find their place in 10 October, 2022the world. Working with Newsboys-supported organisations, youngThank youpeople report feeling accepted and heard for the first time. Experiences facilitated by these organisationswhereI am fortunate to be helped in my work by some young people work with skilled guides who are passionateexceptional people. With special thanks to:about the work they doare life changing. They help young people move from a sense of hopelessness to aNewsboys Foundation Board of Directors:determination to carve out a better life for themselves.Zich Zichy-Woinarski KC, ChairmanPenny Campbell, Vice ChairmanNewsboys provides funding for the long term becauseMichelle Collins, Treasurer and Chairman of the Audit we know that lasting change takes time to implement.CommitteeUnderpinning all the work we do are honest relationshipsJohn Warner, Chairman of the Investment Committee and trust. (resigned 30/6/2022)David Coombes, Director and pro-bono legal supportFor their invaluable assistance in helping us help otherClementine Hay, Directororganisations, we are grateful for the outstanding workJeff Olsen, Directorthat Social Venture Partners and the Gruppetto Fund bothAnn Robinson, Directordo in partnership with Newsboys (page 12). Rupert Sherwood (appointed 16/6/2022)Deryk Stephens, DirectorCongratulations to Ash Murdica, the 2021 NewsboysNewsboys Foundation Team:Foundation Regional Music Award winner (page 5) a shiningKerrie Bradburn, MK Bradburn Contracting P/Lstar who took a giant leap forward through her week-longJennifer Edwards, Accountant, Accountive experience hosted by the Melbourne Recital Centre. Seamus Bradley, Communications and MediaPhilip Campbell, Philip Campbell DesignA golden era of Newsboys history drew to a close on Nick Place, Noisy Boy Media30 June 2022 when John Warner resigned as a Director.Meredith OShea, PhotographerJohn is a wise, kind and considerate person who has beenMiguel Rios, VideographerNewsboys Foundations North star for his 42 years on Ian Warner, Stockbroker, Ord Minnettthe board. Johns outstanding financial foresight, acumenSimon Hourigan and Rachelle Lai, Hourigan Partnersand abilities along with his impressive knowledge of historyGina Fiske, Newsboys Foundation Volunteerwere key to the creation of the solid foundations on which NEWSBOYS FOUNDATION ANNUAL REPORT 20223'