b'MALLEE ACCOMMODATION & SUPPORT PROGRAM (MASP)MASPStephen was not an atypical example of the sort of kidStephens work at school dramatically improved, his home that the MASP Youth Mentoring program and Ken Inneslife turned around and now, a decade later, he has a senior has been trying to help for the last 15 years. role at an employment agency in Melbourne. He came from a separated family, and had a distant fatherMASP has many initiatives, but the Youth Mentoring living with mental illness, leading Stephen to feelings ofprogram provides an opportunity for up to 15 young desertion and confusion. His mother despaired at how topeople from the Mallee region who are experiencing provide that male role model that her strong-willed sondifficulties to take part in the program.The young so desperately needed, and there was talk of Communitypeople are matched with a community member and train Services stepping in and removing Stephen and his blacktogether in a group for up to nine months, the mentors moods from the home because of genuine fears for hiscome from all walks of life; policemen, teachers, social safety and the wider familys security. workers, accountants, small business owners, anyone This is when Ken, Program Coordinator of MASPs Youththat can meet the requirements of the program and has Mentoring program, stepped in and offered Stephen aa passion and desire to be a positive part of a young challenge. Commit to training three times a week forpersons life. nine months, partnered with an adult mentor, to prepareThe mentors commit to training with the young people physically and mentally to walk the famous Kokodain the group for up to three time a week, take up to 12 trail in Papua New Guinea, a long way from his troubleddays off to participate in the trek and fully fund their existence in Mildura in every sense.participation in the program. Its a serious commitment Stephen turned up but sneered to his mum that the otherfor the mentors and their families to make.kids training were scum. Over time, that attitude meltedSince Covid, the final challenge has moved from Kokoda away. Nine months later, he had tears in his eyes as heto Kakadu and more recently to the Flinders Ranges, shared the achievements that the kids, as a collective,a more manageable eight-hour bus ride from Mildura had made and how he admired what theyd risen above.and run in partnership with Melbourne-based company 8NEWSBOYS FOUNDATION ANNUAL REPORT 2023'