b'BRAINWAVE BIKESBrainwave Bikes.Photo: Meredith OSheaThe modern world isnt kind to people with brain injuriestested bicycles for all ages at a fraction of their new price, or illnesses. Its fast, its loud, its chaotic and unforgivingdonated 200 to communities in need and recycled a on those who might need a little more time or order to befurther 1,353. Weve prevented 2,520 bicyclesor 30,282 able to cognitively negotiate whats required. kilogramsfrom ending up in landfill which equates to Brainwave Australia has been supporting such people for241,920 kilograms of CO2 diverted.close to 30 years but like most charities, found donationsBrainwave Bikes rejuvenated bikes are sold for prices that and support withered during the Covid lockdowns. CEOeven major chains cannot hope to match, with buyers Paul Bird had an inspiration: to use the moment to createencouraged to trade the bikes again as kids grow, or if a social enterprise and the result is Brainwave Bikes, atheir needs change. A browse around the organisations shop operating out of the southern Melbourne suburb ofwebsite reveals that this is Melbournes best kept cycling Dingley, offering outrageously well-priced bikes that haveretail secret.been saved from landfill, refurbished and presented Bikes that are beyond saving are stripped for parts by for sale.Kierans team of dedicated technicians, enjoying a chance This work, including the sales process, offers training andto hold down a genuine job that might lead to further employment to people with brain injuries and illness. employment elsewhere. Brainwave Bikes has three ambitions: to reduce theI didnt realise when we started how incredibly the number of bikes in landfill, to offer jobs and workconcept could work in this environment, the importance experience for young people with disabilities, and to offerof a social enterprise, Kieran admitted. Were not affordable bikes. The shop is relatively new, only havinganother day program. Theres real change that can happen opened in September 2022, but Brainwave Bikes CEOhere in this bike shop. Of course, bike maintenance is a Kieran McMahon already has cheerful stories of achievingsignificant part of it, but youre in a real mainstream shop, all of those things. a real work environment, and so theres many different Theres an estimated half a million used bikes inaspects to it. Our individuals, they need to get up, get Australia, half of which will end up in landfill, Kieranto work on time, be dressed in their uniform, all these said. We have already sold 739 quality, affordable andother things that sometimes are overlooked. Its all about getting ready for mainstream work. 10NEWSBOYS FOUNDATION ANNUAL REPORT 2023'