b'NEWSBOYS FOUNDATION BOARD OF DIRECTORSClementine HayAnn Robinson Director DirectorClementine Hay has been on the board ofAnn Robinson joined the board of the the Newsboys Foundation since April 2021. Newsboys Foundation in October 2014.She was appointed to the NewsboysAnn is a highly qualified social worker with Foundation Trust in December 2021. 30 years experience caring for children across Melbourne. Clementine is passionate about creating opportunities toShe is dedicated to making a difference to the lives of enable young Victorians to achieve their potential. vulnerable young people. Ann is committed to constantly developing her knowledge and skills so that she can Clementine has a strong background in finance, banking,successfully contribute to helping young people overcome problem-solving, strategic planning, leadership, coachingbarriers and flourish.and stakeholder management. Ann holds several qualifications including a Bachelor of Arts She works with National Australia Bank (NAB) in the role of(Italian and Psychology) and a Bachelor of Social Work, both Head of Small Business Health/GEC South. from the University of Melbourne. She also holds a Post Graduate Diploma in Developmental Psychology from the During the pandemic Clementine and her team worked hardMindful Centre, Monash University. to provide support to individuals and businesses strugglingAnn has worked with many groups on the margins of our with the impacts of Covid.communitychildren in out-of-home care, families who Covid impacted families, businesses and the economy andhave had children removed from their care or are at high risk she worked in one of many teams of bankers who wereof having children removed. looking to see how they could assist their clients accessAnn is driven by a determination to improve the wellbeing support. of young people, particularly the most vulnerable, neglected Clementine holds a Bachelor of Arts and Bachelor ofand disadvantaged. Business from Monash University and is studying forAnn is a former planner with the National Disability her Bachelor of Design, Majoring in Architecture at theInsurance Scheme. University of Melbourne.Previously, Ann worked with the Department of Education Jeffrey Olsenand Early Childhood Intervention as a Senior Intake and Director Early Support Worker in Early Childhood Intervention Services. Prior to that, she was an Intake and FACES Worker Jeff joined the Newsboys Foundationat the Central Intake, Early Childhood Intervention Specialist Board in December 2018 following hisChildrens Services for the Southern Metropolitan region.retirement as an Investment Adviser atAnn has also worked at the Tweddle Child and Family Health Ord Minnett Ltd. Service; with Anglicare as a Case Manager in Foster Care; Jeff is a former divisional Marketing Director with ACI. Laterand with the Northern Metropolitan College of TAFE as a Jeff served at Pacific Dunlop as General Manager AnsellFieldwork Co-ordinator and Welfare Practice Teacher in the Australia and assistant to the managing director of the mainAboriginal Services Unit. group. At Bowater, Jeff was Managing Director Australia,Ann is a former treasurer for the Hurlingham Kindergarten Tissue Division, and a member of the head board. Committee, East Brighton. Jeff brings finance, investment and marketing skills to the Newsboys Foundation board.Jeff was drawn to Newsboys by the Foundations objectives, the strength of the board, the Foundations strong reputation in the community and its successes in fulfilling its vision of working to ensure every Victorian young person has the chance to live a fulfilled life.Jeff holds a Bachelor of Economics and Commerce (majoring in accounting) and an MBA, both from the University of Melbourne. Jeff also holds qualifications in Taxation from RMIT University. 20NEWSBOYS FOUNDATION ANNUAL REPORT 2023'