b'VINCENT SHIN WINS MINISTERS AWARDVincent Shin and The Hon. Lizzie Blandthorn MP, Minister for Child Protection and Family Services.Vincent Shin is not one to enter awards, so was probablyand greatest supporters, partially funding the role that surprised recently when he found himself receivinghas allowed him to do his often life-changing worka framed certificate and smiling for the cameras assince 2015. the winner of the Ministers Award for Excellence inVincents drive has always been remarkable, and he said Protecting Children, awarded by the Minister for Childit continues to be fuelled by the lived experience he Projection and Family Services, Lizzie Blandthorn, MP. endured as a child, surviving an extremely trying, violent He was also a finalist for the Child and Youthupbringing. The difficulties I faced and knowing how Empowerment Award. hard things can be for some of our kids that I help now, I I was actually nominated by our CEO [Melissa Hardham],definitely use my own lived experience to guide the workand I am very appreciative because she is so busy and yetI do, he said. found time in her crowded schedule to put my name up,Back then, I knew I needed support but had no idea said Vincent, a lawyer who works for Westjustice.where to look or who to ask.Vincent admitted it was a bittersweet award to winWith Westjustice, Vincent has made sure hes visible, vocal because, in his ideal world, his job wouldnt be needed. Heand effective as a champion of the kids experiencing spends his days advocating and supporting young peoplevulnerability.who have experienced family violence and trauma, and sadly his services are not likely to lie idle any time soon.Newsboys heartily congratulates Vincent on the award Even so, he acknowledged he was grateful that his eightand remains proud for whatever role we have been able to years as a lawyer in the space, on top of four years asplay in assisting his mission.a carer and many other years as a volunteer mentorNick Placehad been formally recognised. Vincent also voiced his gratitude to Newsboys Foundation as one of his longest 12NEWSBOYS FOUNDATION ANNUAL REPORT 2023'