b'NEWSBOYS FOUNDATION BOARD OF DIRECTORSRupert SherwoodSandy Shaw Director CEO and Company SecretaryRupert Sherwood joined the NewsboysSandy Shaw joined the Newsboys Foundation board in June 2022. He isFoundation as CEO and Company Director of Development at MelbourneSecretary in November 2006. She was Theatre Company and a board memberappointed Company Secretary to the at Melbourne Fringe, where he is Chair of the FundraisingNewsboys Foundation TrustCommittee. in 2013.Before joining the board, Rupert was aware of NewsboysSince joining Newsboys, Sandy has set a clear strategic Foundations work for several years. direction for the Foundation, lifted its profile, facilitated Rupert said: The work the Newsboys Foundation doescollaborations with other donors, built strong partnerships in ensuring the success of projects that help engage andwith grant recipients, modernised its reporting processes, motivate young people in their pursuits, and that develop acreated the Foundations branding and introduced the sense of belonging and community, is not just inspirationalNewsboys Foundation Regional Music Award.but vital.These changes have resulted in the Newsboys Foundation I have been inspired from working with the Newsboysdeveloping a reputation as an accessible, grassroots Foundation through my roles with various otherorganisation that brings more to the table than just money.organisations, and I was excited to be a part of the importantBefore Newsboys, Sandy was the Program Manager atwork the Foundation does. The Myer Foundation and Sidney Myer Fund for almostIn his role as Newsboys Foundation Director, Rupert bringsfour years. a strong knowledge of the arts sector stretching over moreFrom 1995 to 2003 Sandy was the Sponsorship Manager at than two decades, proven fundraising skills and exemplarythe National Heart Foundation of Australia. strategic and analytical skills. While at the National Heart Foundation, Sandy studied Rupert holds a Bachelor of Arts / Bachelor of Commercepart time and in 1997 completed her Master of Business from the University of Melbourne; Bachelor of CommerceAdministration at RMIT. She also holds a Bachelor of SocialMarketing & Management from Hitotsubashi University,Work from RMIT.Tokyo; and a Post-graduate Diploma in Arts ManagementIn 2008 Sandy was awarded runner-up in the Equity Trustees from the University of Melbourne. Not for Profit CEO Awards in the First Year Achiever category. She was a participant in the 2008 Williamson Deryk Stephens Community Leadership Program and is a Williamson Director Fellow. Sandy is also a graduate of the Cranlana Colloquia Deryk joined the Newsboys Foundationleadership program. board in July 2005. He was Treasurer of theFrom 2009 to December 2018, Sandy was a Member of the Foundation from July 2008 to DecemberAcademic Advisory Board, Arts and CulturalManagement, 2015. Deryk has been a member of theFaculty of Business and Law, Deakin University.Audit Committee since May 2009 and was its chairperson until 2016. Deryk was a director of the Newsboys Foundation Trust from July 2013 to December 2021.Deryk brings 50 years of business experience to the board. He has worked with major companies including BHP, Price Waterhouse, Bank of America, Jardine Fleming and Mallesons (Lawyers). He has also served as a director at Bank of America (Australia Ltd) and at Jardine Fleming (Australia Ltd).NEWSBOYS FOUNDATION ANNUAL REPORT 202321'