b'GRANTSMASPBANKSIA GARDENS COMMUNITY SERVICES programs that instil values and skills that benefit young Stronger Foundations Study Group people. Participants are generally from a refugee, migrant or The after-school study groups provide individual tutorialsasylum seeker background, have an intellectual disability, or and recreational activities three times a week to help youngare living in an inner-city Melbourne high-rise public-housing people connect with their community, engage in education,estate.finish secondary school and create expansive pathways for the future. MALLEE ACCOMMODATION & SUPPORT PROGRAM BRAINWAVE AUSTRALIA (MASP)Employment for Young People with a Disability Youth Mentoring ProgramBrainwave Bikes is a social enterprise that refurbishes andFifteen young people in the Mallee region, who are dealing sells used bikes. The project provides accredited training andwith complex life issues, are mentored over nine months work experience for young people with disabilities, providingculminating in a seven-day hike through the Flinders Ranges pathways to mainstream employment. in South Australia. Participants discover their inner strength, gain insight into their lives, build support networks and life-changing friendships. CENTRE FOR MULTICULTURAL YOUTHThe Wimmera ProjectThe program provides support to multicultural youngMELBOURNE THEATRE COMPANY (MTC)people in Horsham and Nhill so they can engage with theirYouth Scholarship Coursecommunity and develop leadership skills. The program alsoBrings together 25 participants who are experiencing helps build the capacity of local services so the services candisadvantage and are aged 14-16 for a week of immersive understand and respond to the needs of multicultural youngtheatre-making at the MTC with teaching artists. At the end people and their families.of the week, the students showcase their work through a performance to parents, guardians, teachers and industry HELPING HOOPS professionals. On-line and follow up activities with the Croxton and Broadmeadows participants are provided over 12 months.Helping Hoops uses basketball to inspire, empower and support young people through free community-based NEWSBOYS FOUNDATION ANNUAL REPORT 202313'