b'NEWSBOYS FOUNDATION REGIONAL MUSIC AWARDRebecca Stephens, 2022 Newsboys Foundation Regional Music Award Recipient.Photo: Meredith OSheaRebecca StephensRebecca Stephens cant remember why she chosethis is something I can do. I know its going to be hard, but the flute when her music-leaning parents asked her toI feel better equipped now.choose an instrument at the age of eight. Her big sisterThe wrinkle in the planning for Newsboys and MRC had chosen piano, her brother guitar. Later, her youngerorganisers was that Rebeccas passions run beyond the brother would opt to learn the saxophone. The family isflute. She lists acting and theatre-making as her major a band within itself, but Rebecca on the flute is alreadyartistic ambitions, ahead of music. But then, she has just proving a standout, as proven by her stunning Newsboystaken up cello, begun composing and even tried to write Foundation Regional Music Award application where sheher own musicalas a Christmas present to her family, of played Bachs Flute Sonata in G minor, BWV 1020, mvt II.courseduring the Covid lockdowns. She hopes to one Adagio and III. Allegro. day run her own performance company.The Bairnsdale teenager was thrilled to be the winnerThe Melbourne Recital Centre team went above and of the 2022 award, rewarded with a week-long invitebeyond (as always!), to include behind-the-scenes tours to Melbourne Recital Centre, to meet and learn fromand other encounters with the Melbourne Theatre professional musicians. It was definitely a highlight of Company, within her week-long prize, along with my year, she said.specialist mentoring in flute. I was able to taste it all, she I have a lot of ambition but living in Bairnsdale, its suchsaid, and returned home for her gap year inspired to drive a long way away (from the musical institutions). Its beeneven harder towards her dreams. Next up is to perform hard to know if my ambitions were achievable. Like, Ian original composition with her string quartet, and then didnt know where I sat in the rankings of people whotomorrow, the world.are interested. To be able to come to Melbourne and getNick Placethat encouragement, and challenges, from the individual professionals I spoke to, was so helpful. I now know that NEWSBOYS FOUNDATION ANNUAL REPORT 20235'