b'Whats most remarkable is that the young people not only agree to the programs requirements but tend to stick through to the very end. Even when Ken hears that theyve been absent from mental health appointments, school, or other commitments, they tend to turn up to MASPs Youth Mentoring training. Its a safe, structured environment, he said. But theyre not overwhelmed by people telling them what to do, which is what theyre used to and sick of. We all do the same thing, Ken said. Their mentor might be a successful local businessperson, but they must somehow climb the same hill as the young person who is experiencing significant difficulties in their lives. The kids just get it; we are all in it together. Part of it is building their self-esteem and self-worth, working together in a group. It can be quite profound watching the kids realise there is a path for them in their life.Newsboys has been backing MASPs Youth Mentoring program for years. To be honest, Newsboys assistance means the program happens, Ken said. We can fund all the young people and keep the costs down for the others. If it wasnt for Newsboys and other philanthropists taking an interest, there wouldnt be a program.Ken keeps in touch with many of MASPs alumni mentees and adores seeing them find employment, build relationships with partners who care for themMASP instead of abusing or using them, as he sayshave kids themselves, and grow into healthy, happier adults. Many Auswalk, who Ken marvels have been able to deeplyof the mentoring matches also continue long after the understand and cater for what MASP is trying to achieveprogram ends. Not only with their mentor but with other in the Mentoring program.mentors and mentees of the program. Some people are still catching up 10 years later.Each year, young people are identified for MASPs YouthMASPs Youth Mentoring program is proactive, doing Mentoring program from families that are accessingsomething for young people who dont know what they services provided by MASP and other local communitywant to get out of life, or even if they can get anything service organisations, local schools, VicPol and othergood out of life, Ken said. Its quite an amazing buzz to institutions that tend to know which kids are struggling,see them turn their lives around.especially in a population as small as the Mildura regions 50,000 or so people.Nick PlaceNEWSBOYS FOUNDATION ANNUAL REPORT 20239'